SAVE Annual Dinner Meeting June 18th - Guest speakers Marty Kessel and Peter Delaney
"With increasing awareness of the decline of the honeybee and its importance in the continuation of our food supply, SAVE has invited Essex County Beekeeping Assn members, Marty Kessel and Peter Delaney as guest speakers at our Annual SAVE dinner/meeting on June 18. With their passion for saving honeybees they are also helping to preserve local agriculture because without the efficient pollination of the bees, fruits and vegetable crop production will suffer or even fail.
Please plan to attend the SAVE dinner/meeting on June 18 at Prince Pizza and get your answers to "all things bees" but, more importantly, learn some simple tips for making your yard more "honeybee friendly."
For ticket information please call Ann at 781-233-5717 or see our event page