The Saugus Historical Society Newsletter

February 2012

Annual Meeting Next Month

Our annual meeting will be held on March 14. It is also our first meeting of 2012. The slate of officers up for election is as follows:

Laura D. Eisener
Jayne Parrott
Board of Directors
Shirley Bogdan
Alex Barnes
Judy McCarthy
Paul Kenworthy

All of the above are currently holding the same position, except for Paul Kenworthy who is on the slate to fill the vacancy we have had all year. Our Vice President, Nancy Perry, and our Secretary, Nancy Stead, still have one year to go of their terms so are not up for election at this time.

Spring Meetings

Our spring monthly meetings are March 14, April 11, and May 9, as always the second Wednesday evening of the month. Gathering time is 6:45 with the meeting beginning at 7:00 and the program at about 7:30 PM at 30 Main Street. Members and the general public are welcome to attend our regular meetings free of charge.

More in the printed newsletter...

We have had several "Open House" Days this winter and will be open several Saturday and Sunday afternoons this spring. If you haven't seen the Saugus in the Civil War exhibit please stop by when you see the Open flag waving from the front porch. The exhibit is also open during our gathering times on the evenings of monthly meetings.

The Strawberry Festival will be held on Saturday, June 16. As always we will have delicious strawberry shortcake, hot dogs, soda, and some new additions to our menu. Individuals and organizations are invited to rent table spaces for only $10.00 to sell your items such as bric-a-brac, plants, etc. Call to reserve a space! If you have a donation for our silent auction please call 781-231-5988.

More In The Printed Newsletter

This is only a sample from our most recent printed newsletter. The real item contains a lot more information. Join us today to get the full printed newsletter mailed directly to you.