The Saugus Historical Society Newsletter

April 2013

General Meeting -- Wednesday, April 10

On Wednesday, April 10 the Saugus Historical Society will hold its General Meeting, gathering time and refreshments at 6:45 and a short meeting at 7:00 PM followed by an informative and entertaining program commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Civil War (1861 - 1865).

Paul Kenworthy, military historian, will give a slide illustrated talk "Everyday Life of the Civil War Soldier". Drawing on local soldiers' diaries, regimental histories, and other contemporary sources, he will talk about what soldiers were doing between battles and in camp -- the activities they pursued to kill the boredom and anxiety, what their camps looked like, what they ate, read, and wrote home about. He will also bring a knapsack and other items that soldiers would have carried with them.

Underground Railroad Wall Quilt

Handmade by Margie Berkowitch. Margie donated this beautiful piece of art work at the March meeting, to be auctioned off at the Strawberry Festival. It will be on view at the April meeting.

Saugus Ironworks Diorama Donated To Saugus Historical Society

New member Jack Klecker donated a three dimensional model of the Saugus Ironworks and its buildings. We will have it on display at a future date, but members attending the April 10 meeting will be able to see it then!

Annual Meeting and Election of Officers -- Wednesday, May 8

The slate for Election of Officers:

Vice President
Paul Kenworthy
Nancy Stead
  • Shirley Bogdan
  • Alex Barnes
  • Judy McCarthy
Nominating Committee
  • Phyllis Brown (chairperson)
  • Randy-Sue Abber

There is one position open on the Board of Directors. If you are interested or know of someone that would be interested, please contact Phyllis Brown at 781-233-5387.

More in the printed newsletter...